• 01.  Accessible Information and Resource Sharing and Networking:  
  • Coverage: Mass People ( Around 30,000 People)

  • CSID initiated the Internet based Disability Information Dissemination Network since 1999. Later the activities have been expanded from only disseminating information to creating access of Persons with Disabilities into main stream ICT. The focus of the program now is socio-economic development of persons with disabilities through creating access and using ICT. As yet over 5000 subscribers enlisted with the Network form all over the Globe. This network (e-mail format and website) is accessible for all. CSID also operating a Disability Resource Centre where thousands of different printed, audio-visual and Braille resource materials are available. Students, Academicians, Researchers, Professionals, Service Providers and Persons with Disabilities are visiting and using the resource centre free of cost. An accessible Cyber Café also has been established at the resource centre, where any persons with disabilities including blind persons can use internet free of cost.


University students using the Resource Centre

In Dhaka CSID is implementing 1 mentioned below project in this connection:

i) Accessible Internet-based Disability Information Dissemination Network (DID-N) and Disability Resource Centre (DRC)

    Supported by: CSID

    Major Objective: To improve Internet based DID Network in terms of its design, content,

    diversification of information, accessibility features, interactive features and coverage etc. and

    developed as more user friendly.

    Project Location: Dhaka

02.  Study/Research:

 In present by the funding of DFID and Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, University College London CSID is conducting a research titled, “Disability and Climate Resilience Research”. The mentioned research has been completed in December 2017. CSID as yet conducted 19 Researches including International Research on different issues which include – National Budget, working children, Education of disabled persons, Home based workers, Situation of Children and Women with Disabilities, Disaster & Disability, Employment situation of Disabled people etc. For Reports of Researches please visit www.csid-bd.org/research. 


03.  Community-Based Support Services:

 The programme components include:

 a)  Physical Rehabilitation

 Coverage: Around 6000 children and adult with disabilities

Through conducting individual assessment we provide Therapy, Surgery and Aids & Appliances support to increase mobility, functional ability and communication skills so that the children can be independent and participate in education and other activities. In Sylhet and Keranigonj CSID implementing 3 projects in this connection:


i.) Improving education and health for deaf blind people in Bangladesh

Funded by: Centre for Disability and Development (CDD) and Sense International

The broad objective is to improve the lives of deaf blind children and include into the mainstream schools.

Project Location: Keranigonj, Dhakaroject Location: Keranigonj,Dhaka


        Accessibility in school                                         Assistive Device


            Assessment                                                    ADL training 

ii) Promoting Rights and Dignity of Children with disabilities project in Sylhet City

Funded by: Manusher Jonno Foundation

Broad objective:  To  ensure Equal Rights and opportunities of Children with Disabilities in Sylhet City”.

Project Location: Sylhet


        Capacity Building Training                                Awareness meeting


        Human Chain against violence                         Meeting with local government

iii. “COVID-19 Family Care Response” Project.

      Supported by: Family for Every Child

The overall objective of the project is to provide food and psychosocial support to the children with disabilities in this COVID 19 situation.

Project Location: Dhaka


b)  Education

Coverage: Around 7000 children with disabilities

After taking care of increasing mobility, functional and communication ability and independency we try to bring them in education. There are huge and diverse barriers and challenges to include disabled children of marginalized families in education. We follow a comprehensive and diversified approach, which has been described in the photographs below:


                                  Operating Inclusive Pre-School & extra curricular activities


                                                Inclusion into mainstream schools

i. “Promoting Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities” Project.

Supported by: PORTICUS

The overall objective is: to create an enabling environment for children with disabilities in primary school in Bangladesh.

Project Location: Greater Mirpur, Dhaka 


4)  Vocational Skill Development and decent work placement

 Coverage: Around 1700 youth and adult with disabilities

CSID implementing project for ensuring the employment rights of persons with disabilities. The major focus of the program is to creating an enabling environment for employment of persons with disabilities. The major activities includes- identifying the job seeker with disabilities, potential TVET institution, employers, micro-finance institutions and create database. Assess the needs to develop skill and provide Vocational and Technical Skill training including Soft Skill Training to persons with disabilities and then employ them in different organizations in Public and Private sector including engaging in Self-Employment activities. CSID implementing 3 projects for ensuring the employment rights of persons with disabilities:

The project developed formal partnership and collaboration with Bangladesh Garments Manufacturer and Exporters Association (BGMEA) to employ persons with disabilities signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and also with some Vocational Training Institutions for training. Leading Banks & Microfinance Institutions also have been sensitized to provide credit support to disabled persons for initiating self-employment. 

i. “Innovation to Inclusion” Project.

      Supported by: Leonard Cheshire

The overall objective of the project is to create enabling environment, skill development and job placement of persons with disabilities.

Project Location: Dhaka, Chattogram and Sylhet 


                        Garments training                                MoU with BGMEA



5. ICT based training and employment

Coverage: Around 900 youth and adult with disabilities

The main vision of CSID’s ICT activities is to ensuring better life for Persons with Disabilities through creating access to information and Mainstream ICT services. CSID is the only organization in Bangladesh formally works for Persons with Disabilities with ICT Division under Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information. CSID has the formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ICT Division, government of Bangladesh. In each year CSID and ICT Division have jointly organized Job Fair for Persons with Disabilities and National IT Competition for Youth with Disabilities. Under these initiative as yet 267 persons with disabilities has been employed in different sectors among total 451 persons with disabilities trained from Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) of ICT Division. 

Again CSID has formal agreement with some big umbrella Organization. It has Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bangladesh Association of Call Center & Outsourcing (BACCO), Cyber Café Association of Bangladesh (CCOAB). CSID has also MoU with private IT organization of My Outsourcing, Creative IT, MetroDesk, etc. To ensure the ICT based training and employment CSID is implementing the mentioned project in Bangladesh:

i. Computer training for persons with disabilities.
      Funded by: ICT Division


                   MoU signing ceremony with BCC                                 Training         


                Certificate distribution                                              Job Fair 

6) Protection

Coverage: 10000 children with disabilities 

CSID is working to building the resilience of children with disabilities on different form of abuse. The program aims to enhance skills of children with disabilities to protect themselves against violence and to ensure their caregivers and other duty bearers have understanding to take action to detect, prevent, challenge, and respond to violence against the children.

Conducting resilience building training for children with disabilities following a structured manual. As a result of completing resilience building training it seems that those children have been empowered by getting information on their rights. Now they know the rights they have, they know types of violence and abuse and how to protect themselves from abuse. This training made them confident and improve their insight to see the real world where there is a risk to be abused by anyone anytime. Some of the qualitative changes are seen among children are as follows:  

·        Children now can express their dream about their future life. 

·      Children learnt about their body boundary. Children can differentiate now not only good touch and bad touch, but also can understand how someone is looking to them is it good or bad.

·      Children with disabilities seems more confident and aware about their rights for example they wants a place where they can meet together regularly and can strengthen their groups.

·       By participating in this training they could realize that they are not alone. There are many children with disabilities.

·    Children learn that they have to be self depemdent and they try to do their daily living activities by their own after the training. 

·       Those who are not attending schools want to go to school.

·       Those who are attending school can express their problems facing in schools

     Through this trainig children became friends with each other and can share their thoughts, and feelings.

Along with the children with disabilities their parents and caregivers have been also empowered through the training program they learnt about the rights of their children with disabilities, how to take care of their children, child abuse and protection, positive discipline, self care and so on. For resilience building of children CSID implementing the below project:

i.) Inclusive Care and Protection project for children with disabilities and children affected by AIDS                  Project Location: Sylhet 

  Funding by:  Save the Children


                     Workshop for CABA Children                  Community Awareness meeting


                Orientation on Protection                                Joint Program with CBCPC

ii. Protection and Empowerment of children with disabilities through an Inclusive Approach

Project Location: Dhaka, Barisal and Bhola

Funded by: UNICEF


                        Resilience building training                             Washroom accessibility 


                Therapy services                                       Child protection training to caregivers


                        IGA activities                                                 Orientation to the police 

7) Advocacy 

Coverage: Mass People

CSID advocates with policy makers, government and with community people to promote the   rights of most disadvantaged people including the persons with disabilities. CSID’s policy advocacy initiatives with the national government and civil society for an inclusive environment, and for mainstreaming the persons with disabilities have gained wide recognition in the development community in Bangladesh and beyond. Not only for the people with disabilities CSID is also advocating ensuring the rights of Working children and working children with disabilities. 

i. Time to Talk

Broad objective is:. Ensure that the views and suggestions of working children are heard.

Funded by : Kindernothilfe

Project Location: Barisal and Sylhet


                        Presentation                                                     Role play

                      Body Mapping session                                   Presentation 

ii. National and Global IT Competition for youth with disabilities.

Funded by: ICT Ministry   



iii. Bangladesh association of employees with disabilities (BAED).

Funded by: CSID

This is the only network of employed persons with disabilities who are working jointly with CSID for ensuring the training and employment rights of persons with disabilities. There are 21 members in General Body and 7 Executive Members in the Executive Committee. 


Some success of CSID’s advocacy:

·         Enrolled 1500 children with disabilities in schools.

·         Employment of 1700 persons with disabilities.

·         Some new  articles has been changed into the UNCRPD.

·         Reformed the Disability Welfare act 2001.

·         Favorable policy for Disabled students

·         Participate the Children with disabilities to form the -Governments National Plan of Action

·         Government appointment one focal person in each departments

·         ICT ministry makes their computer training centre accessible for the persons with disabilities and providing computer training without cost.

·         CSID worked to adopt Domestic Workers Protection and welfare policy 2015

·         The concept of Child Budget has been included in the national budget.

·         Divisional Child Labour Welfare Council of Dhaka city is functioning.

·         Bangladesh Computer Council of BCC include a clause in their policy to include persons with disabilities into the mainstream training  

      CSID is involved with the following National & International networks:


Name of the networks /alliances/platform
Type of representation
National  networks /alliances/platform

Executive Committee on the Disability rights and Protection Act 2013
Executive Member
Since September 2019
Bangladesh Shishu Odhikar Forum(Bangladesh Child rights Forum)
General Member
Since 2016 
Child Rights Working group of National Human Rights commission 
Working Member
Since 2014 
National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD) 
Founder, Past president and General Member
Since 1998 
Together with Working Children (TWC) Network.
General Member
Since 2010 
Child Rights Governance Assembly (CRGA).
General Member
Since 2013 
Disability Alliance on SDGs in Bangladesh
General Member
Since 2017 
International  networks /alliances/platform

International Disability Alliance (IDA)
General Member
Since 2008 
Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD)
General Member
Since 2009 
Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)
Past president and General Member
Since 2006 
International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI)
Country representative
Since 2006 
Rehabilitation International (RI)
General Member
Since 2008 
Disability Expert 
Since 1998

      Present Partners/donors:

i)               UNICEF

ii)              ICT Division, Government of Bangladesh

iii)             Save the Children

iv)             Leonard Cheshire

v)              Manusher Jonno Foundation 

vi)             Kindernothelfes

vii)           Family for Every Child

viii)          PORTICUS

ix)             Centre for Disability and Development(CDD)

x)              STARS Foundation

      Contact Details:

Contact Person –Khandaker Jahurul Alam, Executive Director;

Cell: +88-01558010840,0171303 6480

Physical & Postal address:

House # 676, Road # 13, Baitul Aman Housing Society, Adabor, Dhaka – 1207

Bangladesh, Tel: Tel: +88-02-55010240, 55010239

Internet addresses:

E-mail:   ed.csid@yahoo.com, Webwww.csid-bd.com 

Study/Research conducted as yet:

Title of Researches 
In partnership with 


The Situation Analysis on Disaster and Disability Issues In the Coastal Belt of  Bangladesh
Leonard Cheshire -2018

Study on Budget Analysis by the Children - 2016

 Process Document for Study: Initiative on Child‐led Budget Analysis and  Advocacy 
Save the Children – 2016
3Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh: A Study in  the Ready Made  Garment and Leather Industry - 2016
GIZ, Bangladesh and CBM Bangladesh-2016
4“National Budget Analysis and expenditure tracking  on Child Labour”
World Vision-2015
5“Mapping, Assessment and Review the Laws and Policies on Child Labour.”
World Vision-2015
6“Visualising Invisible” A Baseline Study on Situation of  Home-Based Workers 
HomeNet South Asia - 2013 
7Conducted study on “ National Budget Tracking in Child related Ministries” 
Save the Children – 2012 
8“Tales of Darkness” A Baseline Study on Situation of Child Labour and Potential to be Child Labour among Children with Disabilities
Save the Children – 2009 
9Preparing a Directory On “Training Opportunities, Programmes and Resource Persons Contact List in Education Equity”. 
RDRS Bangladesh – 2007 
10Conducted study on “National Database on various Government Policies, Strategies, Laws, Programmes and Services With regards to Education of Children with Disabilities from Equity point of view”. 
RDRS Bangladesh -  2006 
11Participated in a World Bank Study "Disability Mapping in Bangladesh" as partner. 
World Bank – 2004 
12“Together In Education”- Promoting Education of Children with Disabilities through BRAC Non-formal Education Approach 
B R A C - 2004 
13Study on “The Situation and Prospect of the use of Computer for Persons with Visual Impairment” 
Peace Corps- Fredskorpset, Norway - 2003 
14Study on “Good Practice on Inclusive Education in Bangladesh” 
UNICEF Regional Office South Asia- 2003 
15Study on “Educating Children in difficult circumstances- Children with Disabilities” 
Department of Primary and Mass Education, Government of Bangladesh under ESTEEM project-  2002 
16Study on “Situation Analysis of Women and Adolescent Girls with Disabilities of Bangladesh” 
Grameen Trust of Grameen Bank - 2002 
17Research on “Existing situation and opportunities of Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh” 
ActionAid Bangladesh - 2002 
18Study on “Possibilities of integrating Street Children with Disabilities in to mainstream development services” 
Save the Children Sweden -2000 
19Study on “Situation Analysis and need assessment of Street Children with Disabilities of Dhaka City” 
Save the Children Sweden- 1999 
20Study on “Situation of Persons with Disability at the time of Natural Disaster”. 
ActionAid Bangladesh- 1999